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Stator generators of a big electric motor in the coal fired power plant factory manufactur


Neo Prime Power Solutions is a PCAB registered company and EASA member undertaking projects and fit-out works accross Philippines

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Neo Prime Power Solutions Corporation are recognized for our highly trained and experienced technicians, engineers, and project managers as well as for our extensive modern fleet and tools. We are proud of our reputation for commitment, dependability, and safe delivery of projects, on schedule and within budget. NPPSC is confident to meet the opportunities and challenges ahead using our values and vision to achieve success for our clients.


Philippines is our home, and we concentrate our business in this country and aim to offer a diverse range of services delivered by experienced personnel who have proven experience and understand the logistical complexities of achieving project success in the Philippines.


Our onsite staff are supported by a resident management team with over 20 years of experience working in and around the Philippines who are available to always assist onsite. Our philosophy has always been to train the next generation of industry leaders, we achieve this result by following a training plan that allows domestic workers access to their foreign counterparts allowing knowledge and experience transition. In doing this we believe we are a sociably responsible company committed to helping Filipinos achieve their aims and goals.

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Neo Prime is a Philippine based "Engineering, Procurement, Construction and Maintenance Contractor and Technical Service Provider

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Neo Prime Power Solutions Corporation

Sitio Uno, Bahay Pare

Meycauayan City 3020

Bulacan, Philippines

Phone: (02) 7216 7826, (02) 7211 4633

Mobile: 09177086060, 09088218172


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